Seelie is a water spirit who has splashed onto the EN Vtuber scene!

Hello lovelies! Seelie is streaming a variety of games, silly Just Chatting streams, art doodles & more shenanigans!I stream regularly M - Sat @ 9 PM ESTSchedules & updates can be found on Twitter! <3I really hope you will join me on this watery adventure and would love your support and encouragement! ♥

Seelie is happy to tell you a bit more!A long time ago, Seelie was just some essence that rolled around in the astral plane! Then little by little I gained more elemental energy and started to resonate with the water of this world. Eventually, I managed to become aware of the amazing wonders that I occasionally got a glimpse of!I don't have a great memory, so I am not sure how long this all took and I learned most of it from a fellow fire spirit who also happens to be my landlord! All I know is that not too long ago, I was lucky enough to find a BIG pocket of energy and was able to not only physically manifest on earth, but I was able to become a true individual!Seelie loves dragons, fishies, any body of water, rain, glasses of water, shiny things, and wants to hug every dragon!